
Finding Inspiration During These Turbulent Times

We recognize that educators are leading through unprecedented challenges. Our hearts are heavy for the students, educators, families, and communities who have been impacted by the recent executive orders around immigration, equity, transgender rights, and more. We believe as firmly as ever that every student has the right to rigorous learning environments, schools where their agency is elevated, and classrooms where they belong and are respected.

Fostering inclusion from the central office to the classroom

Each year the University of Washington College of Education convenes a series of webinars with education thought leaders to explore how we can center equity and leverage community voice to create more inclusive school environments and communities. In April the Center for Educational Leadership Executive Director, Max Silverman, hosted a conversation with two central office leaders, Dr. Ivan Duran, Superintendent at Highline School District, and Dr. Kelly An, Assistant Superintendent at Long Beach Unified School District.