Creating a Theory of Action

Develop a rationale behind your strategies and articulate your thinking by generating an evidence-based story that explains the specific changes you intend to make to improve teaching and learning.

School leaders must have a clear idea of what good instruction looks like. To have a lasting impact, instructional leaders must also know why they are making certain instructional decisions.
The Creating a Theory of Action Tool, which draws on CEL’s 4 Dimensions of School Leadership™  and 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning™ frameworks, helps educators develop a rationale behind the strategies they choose and articulate the thinking behind their decisions.
This 10-page tool will also help to:
  1. Develop a well-elaborated understanding of what motivates students, teachers and leaders in the first place
  2. Make your leadership the core of the theory of action
  3. Create an evidence-based rationale for all parts of the theory
  4. Identify supports needed to drive identified changes in principal practice


Interested in professional learning that develops the skills of principal supervisors in partnership with their principals using a theory of action? Learn more about Principal Supervisor Professional Learning and Coaching

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