Do you have a coaching program with the potential to make a greater impact?
In the Coaching Academy, you’ll create a vision of an impactful coaching cycle that’s shared across the system. You’ll also identify the opportunities coaching is working to address, develop a theory of action for coaching and build skills to implement a coaching approach that makes an immediate difference for both student and teacher learning.
Through our work together, you’ll develop a shared vision of coaching and the coaching program across your district — and build skills that make an immediate difference. Your teachers will experience greater efficacy and improve student learning experiences.
Instructional coaches and the principals they work with. We encourage central office leaders to also participate.
After a launch session, participants engage in five learning cycles. The session topics include:

Our partnership provides contextualized, side-by-side support through the year. We collaborate to develop high-impact classroom coaching skills and the sponsorship required to sustain teacher and student growth. Learn more about creating the conditions for effective instructional coaching from one of CEL’s project directors.
Because I am now able to build a cohesive, consistent, content based coaching cycle, my teachers are now able to see a different vision for instruction and build their content knowledge; students think deeply, answer high level questions and participate in learning with vigor and enthusiasm.
My role is to develop teachers’ skills, knowledge and capacity as a teacher, and now it’s also to go deeper into that area of shared learning that is uncomfortable to talk about: race, class, ego and emotions — the place we need to go in order for real change to occur in our schools. My experiences learning with coaches has transformed me not only as an educator, but as a person all around.
Working through the steps of coaching has taken a lot of the guesswork out and has provided a more refined and systematic approach to how I engage with cooperating teachers. Working with other coaches has allowed me to learn from others and their experiences. I feel more equipped to really engage with teachers as they work to improve their practice and increase student engagement and success.