Headshot image of Max Silverman

Max Silverman

Job Title: Executive Director
Email: edlead@uw.edu
Phone: 1-206-221-6881

Max Silverman is the executive director of the University of Washington Center for Educational Leadership (CEL) where he provides leadership for improving school systems focused on equitable outcomes for students. Throughout his career, Silverman has served in a variety of leadership positions including classroom teacher, school principal, district leader, and most recently as deputy director of CEL. At CEL, he leads national projects to implement new systems to improve leadership effectiveness. He also partners closely with individual school districts to improve leadership performance at scale. As executive director, he is dedicated to building the know-how and collective efficacy of educators, school systems and states to create a future where every student experiences a rigorous, world-class education.
Silverman’s nationally recognized work on redesigning school system central offices has been supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Stuart Foundation, the Wallace Foundation and others. He has presented findings from CEL’s work through publications and conferences hosted by organizations such as AASA, ASCD, the Council of the Great City Schools, and Learning Forward.  He continually seeks opportunities to build and share his expertise both locally and across the country, including serving as the vice-chair for the Rainier Prep Public Charter School board in Seattle, and collaborating in the Deeper Learning Leadership Forum.