Headshot image of Anneke Markholt

Anneke Markholt

Job Title: Founding Associate Director
Email: markholt@uw.edu
Phone: 1-206-221-6881

Dr. Anneke Markholt is the associate director of the University of Washington Center for Educational Leadership (CEL), and affiliate faculty with the University of Washington College of Education. Dr. Markholt designs and directs the Center’s partnerships focused on developing teaching effectiveness and instructional leadership. She is particularly interested in the intersection of teaching, learning and the leadership capacity necessary for school systems to engage in instructional improvement, especially for linguistically diverse students.  Prior to her work with CEL, Dr. Markholt spent five years as an associate researcher for the Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy at the University of Washington. She began her career as an English as a second language specialist for Tacoma Public Schools where she taught for ten years. Dr. Markholt is the co-author of two books, Leading for Instructional Improvement: How Successful Leaders Develop Teaching and Learning Expertise, and Leading for Professional Learning: What Successful Principals Do To Support Teaching Practice.