Characteristics of Instructional Leadership Team Members

Explore seven characteristics to guide the growth and development of instructional leadership team members. Instructional leadership teams are a great opportunity to strengthen teacher leadership in support of a school’s vision and mission.

In order for teacher leaders to flourish, certain characteristics and conditions are important. Teacher leaders must develop the knowledge and skills to lead and the disposition and attitude to be recognized as leaders. There must also be opportunities for leadership in the school, and, with its focus on student learning and instructional improvement, the ILT is a perfect opportunity to grow teacher leadership. 
The characteristics of team members listed below may be present or will be developed as the members of the ILT continue to grow.
  1. A continuous learner
  2. Effective working with adult learners
  3. An effective communicator
  4. Collaborative
  5. Knowledgeable of content and pedagogy
  6. Knowledge of assessment and data
  7. A systems thinker
Note: This is a working document still undergoing development, created as part of CEL’s instructional leadership team work with the Florida Association of School Administrators.  

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